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Benefits of An Early Morning Yoga Practice


Updated: Dec 2, 2021

If you know anything about yoga, you must of heard at some point that an early morning practice is the most beneficial. Is there really any truth to this? Are the benefits of an early morning practice any more beneficial than that of a later practice? To simply answer this question, yes there are lots of benefits to practicing early and now there is science to help back up this theory.

Practicing yoga in the morning can instantly make you feel calmer and more at peace with yourself. It can help t0 clear your mind and set a healthy intention for your day. There are also many long-term health benefits that can dramatically improve your health.

First, let’s discuss what yoga is and what a yoga practice actually means. Yoga has been around for centuries originating in Northern India over 5000 years ago. The word “yoga” defined refers to a disciplined practice of physical, mental, & spiritual practices. The primary focus being to control & still the mind. The word “Yoga” was first used in the Rig Veda, a written collection of rituals, mantras, & songs that Vedic priests used. Its first intended practice was spiritual, but has since evolved in to a physical & mental practice. Over time with movement, breath and working the body the benefits begin to speak for themselves. There are so many different types of Yoga in the world, each providing their own beautiful benefit to your overall health. Below are just a few and their benefits.

—Hatha is the most commonly practiced for beginners. This practice allows the person to become familiar with different postures at a slower pace, while challenging strength & flexibility. Hatha focuses more on controlling the breath while holding postures before moving to the next. Core strength is another focus which build’s good posture for any practitioner.

— Vinyasa is another form of Yoga & one of the most popular practiced. Like Hatha they share many of the same poses, each with their own distinct focus. You may hear the term Ashtanga interchangeably with Vinyasa. While similar in approach there are key differences between the two. Primarily that Ashtanga follows the same set of poses every time, while Vinyasa follows asanas or postures based on the teachers guidance or cues. The transitions between the movements coordinates with the breath, allowing the mind to believe the breath is essentially moving the body. Advanced Yinyasa can be quite challenging and results in an excellent workout for the body.

Yoga being a meditative practice can instantly alleviate stress in your body. Every Yoga practice usually ends with a beautiful meditation at the end to close. The stress relieving benefits are noticed instantly and highly recommended by most physicians.

Yoga has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is secreted by our adrenal glands & assists with important bodily functions like releasing insulin, regulating blood pressure, improving immune system function, & reducing inflammation in the body. When the human body experiences too much stress cortisol levels increase causing a negative effect in the body. This can result in weight gain, high blood pressure, restlessness, & a weakened immune system. Several minutes a day of deep breathing in a quiet place can help regulate the level of cortisol in the body.

In 2009, researchers found that those who attended a weekly yoga class for two months could reduce anxiety levels dramatically in women. Researchers also concluded that a regular Yoga practice could be considered an alternative treatment to anxiety disorders. There are so many people who are suffering with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) that Yoga has proven effective in reducing the symptoms of a sufferer. I suffered PTSD for many years & was looking for an alternative to traditional medicine. After one Yoga class I immediately notice a huge difference in how I was feeling not just physically, but mentally. The more classes I began taking the more improvement I began to see.

Chronic pain & inflammation are two very common complaints. Researchers have concluded that Yoga has a very positive effect reducing inflammation in the body which in turn alleviates chronic pain. As we get older our flexibility decreases, but through a regular Yoga practice we can improve & maintain our strength, mobility, & flexibility in the body. Studies have shown practicing consistently for as little as 8 weeks improves flexibility & balance up to 35%.

Among the many benefits that a regular early morning Yoga practice offers it also helps improve sleep quality over time, increased heart health, better circulation, a deeper connection with one self & the world around them.

Now that you know some of the amazing benefits that an early morning practice offers, you need nothing more than a mat to get started. Turn on some peaceful music, sit outside, or simply just enjoy the sound of your heart beating. Closing your eyes, allow the mind to settle, being mindful of your breath, of your heart beating in your chest, ready to receive all the goodness the universe has to offer you. As you begin to move your body, allow the breath to lead & guide you pausing here & there to listen to your body.

Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel, so make the decision today to honor your beautiful body & join me on the mat. -Namaste

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